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Over the half of the Canadian population is made out of the immigrant people which makes it among the easiest ways to migrate to Canada. Canada is one of the largest countries in Northern America and is also the second biggest country in the World. Over 33 million people now live in Canada. The easiest ways to migrate to Canada are the following approaches:

1. Go and marry a Canadian-born citizen:

So long as your spouse is a permanent resident or a Canadian citizen, he/she can sponsor a qualified family member to live in Canada as a permanent resident.

2. Apply for IEC (International Experience Canada):

This visa offers you one of the easiest ways to migrate to Canada and work in any profession. This can be the ticket into Canada for persons between the ages of 18 and 35.  You simply enter Canada on an open work permit, or without a job offer similar to a work permit.

However, it is a little restricting as it is accessible to people who are from select countries including Australia, Austria, Denmark, Japan, Norway, Estonia, South Korea, Taiwan, Poland and Ukraine among others.

3. Apply as the Au-Pair (Live-in Caregiver):

Real benefactors are persons who have no specific skills. A high school education will be needed, a job offer and six years training or one year experience as an au-pair to apply for this work permit.

4. Student Permit: 
This is for those who can afford it or have a scholarship. One of the easiest ways to migrate to Canada is through a study permit.

5. Visitor Visa:
If you only think the way to get to Canada is through a job offer and a work permit, then it is good for you to know that you can also apply to visit the country using a Visitor’s Visa. Visitor Visa offers you the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of Canada for not more than six months without work.

6. Work Permit with Job Offer
If you are a graduate, have work experience and meet the requirement, find a Canadian employer for a job offer along with skilled Canadian citizens in the same profession as you.

7. Trade Agreement Immigration
Canada has signed trade agreements with several countries, including the NAFTA agreement. If you are a citizen from a country that’s in a trade agreement with Canada, and your company has a Canadian branch, you can easily migrate to Canada and get employed in Canada without the LMO (Labour Market Opinion).

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