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Tickled Articles

Things Not To Do To Holy Bride Of Christ

There is a first time for everything.  In my 13 years of practice I’ve never done this before to anyone but this one warrants a special treatment.  I gave her all the attention and care and she filed chargeback for service already rendered. I’ve been extra harsh to...

My New Ebook The Road To Goddesshood For Only $27!!

Katarina Phang’s brand is what the Divine Feminine is.  Divine Feminine is what Feminine Magnetism is.  Feminine Magnetism is the Road to Goddesshood. After 4 years of holding on to the new ebook The Road To Goddesshood, finally the timing is right for me to release...

The Goddess Mindset That Makes Him Surrender To Your Divine Feminine Magnetism

What is a Goddess mindset?  And how it mesmerizes a masculine man to no end he can’t do much but surrender to your divine feminine magnetism? Before I start I want to say that one of the highlights of the new year for me personally is when one of my fans brought to my...
How Will You Be Different?

How Will You Be Different?

As the weeks cascade into months of avoidance of our human kind to save lives, new norms are settling in.  How strange to think that not so long ago seeing people with their faces covered by masks...

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Relationships in Quarantine

Relationships in Quarantine

The coronavirus pandemic and ensuing isolation people find themselves in will put many relationships to the test.  In normal circumstances, time spent in “togetherness” is a goal and hallmark of a...

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Affair Recovery for the Betrayed Partner

Affair Recovery for the Betrayed Partner

Richard Nicastro, Phd, digs into the painful experience of being betrayed in an intimate relationship, offering insights into how to move into a space of self-care and compassion.   An emotional...

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When Should You Cook for a Man

When Should You Cook for a Man

There is so much information out there about privileges that are withheld until commitment or marriage.  While some of it make perfect sense, some of it is just taking it a bit far. Cooking a simple...

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