There is a first time for everything. In my 13 years of practice I’ve never done this before to...
Tickled Articles
My New Ebook The Road To Goddesshood For Only $27!!
Katarina Phang’s brand is what the Divine Feminine is. Divine Feminine is what Feminine Magnetism...
The Goddess Mindset That Makes Him Surrender To Your Divine Feminine Magnetism
What is a Goddess mindset? And how it mesmerizes a masculine man to no end he can’t do much but...
Feminine Magnetism Doesn’t Preclude You From Fighting For Your Freedom
Freedom isn’t free, somebody gotta fight for it. And Goddess Warrior is one archetype of Feminine Divinity. I was supposed to do my 104th satsang/class in the Fan Subscriptions 3 days ago when I got...
When and If to Share Your Past Baggage With Men
Many relate sharing all past baggage as honesty and transparency. While being honest and transparent is a solid foundation, does your past have anything at all to do with the current foundation you...
Couples: Virus Fear vs. Virus Fatigue
Summer is here. The warm weather beckons. He wants to get together with a big group for a BBQ in someone’s yard and not worry about wearing masks or if the party spills inside. She feels strongly...
Now is the Time to Strengthen Your Marriage, Here are 14 Ways
This is a very hard time; our emotional health and physical well-being are being challenged in pandemic life. We are trying to figure out how to be safe, care for our children and for many, assure...
How to Raise Your Emotional Intelligence to Turn Around Your Relationship/Marriage and Inspire a Forever Committed Man
Are you currently at a loss and confused on what to do with your rocky relationship or marriage? Raising your EQ (emotional intelligence) might be the answer to your problem. I’m proudly announcing...
Roadblocks to Forgiveness in Relationships
Richard Nicastro, Phd, takes a closer look at some of the obstacles to forgiveness in intimate relationships. Imagine this scenario: Your spouse/partner has wounded you in some way. S/he has now...
How to Go Through A Breakup and Get Him Back If That’s What You Want
Did you just go through a painful breakup and your heart is shattered into millions little pieces? Your days are felt with roller-coaster emotions and anxieties? One day you feel fine, the next you...
Lessons from Writing Letters to Strangers
Elise Hu, NPR correspondent and Millennial (the “loneliest generation”), shares her need for connection during the global pandemic. In her worry and loneliness she wrote letters to 50 strangers...
Casual to Committed: 6 Steps to Get Him to Commit
Is your relationship stuck at the casual level? THIS will help! Understandably, sex has always been an emotionally charged subject for women. There are so many religious, cultural, emotional and...