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Are You Our Newest Adult Romance Consultant?

We offer ordinary people the opportunity to live extraordinary lives. As an Intimate Tickles Elite Romance Consultant, you will have the flexibility to earn supplemental income or to start a fresh new career.

We proudly offer the ability of owning and managing your own business selling our products, spreading sexual awareness, and helping to keep romance alive and well.

Despite economic downturn, the adult romance industry has always remained alive and profitable

Let’s Get This Party Started Right!

If you have been looking around, you should easily notice that Intimate Tickles LLC is not your typical adult romance home party plan company. If you have not checked out the other options, you should – we’ll be here when you get back. If you’d like a quick overview – check out our Comparing Naughty To Naughty chart

Intimate Tickles LLC is dedicated to our consultants, your business, your growth. It’s time to put your dreams and goals on the fast track.

There is no better time to take control of your tomorrow. Right now is always the best time to get started. Take a slow tour through our collection of tools, benefits, and products. Fill out our Romance Consultant Application and let’s talk about your new career!

The Intimate Tickles direct selling system provides awesome rewards and ongoing income for our elite independent consultants. Our dedication to training and enhancing the romance has propelled Intimate Tickles to the forefront as leaders in the subject of sexual relationships.

Life is too short to have to worry about when the next paycheck will come in. When you own your own business, you call the shots. You determine the number of parties you want to hold and how much money you’ll make. From $500 to $2500 a month or more, you can make as much or as little as you set your sights on.

As an Intimate Tickles Elite Romance Consultant, you will have the flexibility to earn supplemental income or to start a fresh new career.

Discover More About Joining The Intimate Tickles Team

You won’t find us filling a page with empty, heard it all before, promises. Yes, our products are typically easy sell and you will discover that we go well beyond your typical adult romance party product line – but your personality and willingness to learn will factor in to your success. Yes, our parties are in great demand even during tough economic times – but you will have to put yourself out there and make yourself known. Yes, we offer you with all the tools and power to earn a great income 24/7 – but it doesn’t just happen without your drive, desire, and input.
If you want to hear that “Our products sell themselves”, or “Stop worrying about money and start making it in your sleep”, along with the rest of the typical hype statements most other companies use to pull you in – Intimate Tickles is not your space, however…

  • If you are ready to learn from some of the best direct sales references in the industry (some of which may be you!).
  • If you are ready for someone to listen to YOUR ideas and recommendations.
  • If you are ready to put in some hours, using real growth enhancing tools and methods.
  • If you are ready to do something for yourself today that could, quite literally, change your tomorrow.


Then we invite you and welcome you to discover the world of Intimate Tickles and the Adult Romance industry.

We Take Your Business Growth Very Seriously

Consultant Directory

One of the perks of owning your own Intimate Tickles Marketing Control Center is a listing on our USA “Find Your Consultant” interactive directory map.

Marketing Center

We are the only adult romance company, in fact, the only home party plan company that offers you an independent business growth and online marketing center.

And So Much More!

Top Quality Products

You will be proud to demonstrate some of the top trending, superior material, best quality, adult romance products on the market. No exceptions included.

Social Media Management

Serious consultants should take advantage of our Marketing Pro program, where we will give you the tools and the knowledge and reach unlimited potential customers.

What More Can We Tell You?

Confidence In Knowing

You’ve heard the phrase before and we don’t see a reason to put it any differently… “As an Intimate Tickles Adult Romance Consultant you will be in business for yourself, but not by yourself”

Our community of romance consultants will always be open to sharing ideas, suggestions, and success stories. Within our marketing center all of our consultants are connected and encouraged to band together to help each other grow.

Knowledge is not only power, it’s confidence. From showing our top quality products to answering intimate questions, we are dedicated to making sure you are confident in everything you show and say. From product descriptions and documents, to videos, to webinars with industry experts – you are destined to become and/or grow your adult romance expert status.

Pretty much every task we have undertaken to construct Intimate Tickles LLC was cut and dry easy. They each took A LOT of work, but there was never any argument as to what we wanted as the finished product. From our Marketing Center to our unique high quality products. From our Business Center to our extensive training programs. Everything flowed into place quite nicely, despite the need for a little blood, sweat, and sleepless nights.

Our compensation plan, however, was a dedicated labor of passion.

We want our consultants to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that everything we do is to help them grow their business and live the life of their dreams.

The Compensation Plan

Sexuality Coach Certification + Adult Romance Consultant

Build the life that you deserve! Adult romance consultants armed with the DRI certification have continuously reported an increase in sales and recruitment due to the quick realization from customers that they are speaking with an expert, and we’ve secured a MAJOR discount ONLY for Qualified Intimate Tickles Consultants. Sexuality Coach Certification through the Dr. Rachael Institute makes students immediately eligible for certification through the American College of Sexologists as a sexologist and the American Board of Sexology as a sexuality coach. To answer all of your questions, including pricing, about DRI and Intimate Tickles – Schedule Your Consultant Interview Today!

More On Sexuality Coach Certification

What’s Up With Interview?

One of our differences is in the process in place for becoming an Intimate Tickles Romance Consultant. We want you to know exactly what you are getting in to, what is expected from you, and what you can expect from Intimate Tickles.

To accommodate this goal, we ask that you fill out a very small application and honor us with a brief interview as the first step in joining our elite community of adult romance consultants.

No pressure. We just want to take the chance to meet you, and vise versa. It is important to us that we are a good fit for your visions and goals, and if we are not, we can probably point you in the right direction.

Schedule Your Consultation

Ladies, gentlemen, and couples just can’t seem to help themselves.

They giggle a little during the invite, smile in anticipation as they walk in to the party, make little jokes as they find a seat, and all of a sudden end up bashful as the romance consultant takes center stage. Then there are the ooohs, aaahs, and more giggles as she starts presenting the mystical lotions, potions, and ummmm, other objects.

Home party plans have become a tradition across the globe. Tupperware parties have been all the rage in Americas living rooms since the early 1950’s. Now, everything from jewelry, to candles, to makeup dominate the direct sales home party plan arena.

But there’s a niche party program that has ladies, gentlemen, and couples squealing with delight and bashfulness, and business is great all year round.

These work from home entrepreneurs refer to their products as “Romance Enhancements”, and to themselves as “Romance Consultants”. We like to think of ourselves as educators, and we make it our business to increase intimacy through playful, powerful ways.

Intimate Tickles is proud to have been nominated by our peers as Party Plan Company of the Year – 2024. Nominees for the 2024 XBIZ Awards were selected based on over 10,000 pre-nomination entries submitted by industry members via

So Many Choice. So Little Time

Empowering The Art Of Intimacy

Our ``What You'd Expect`` Main Catalog

The normal lotions, potions, tingles, and buzz.

Relax In The Powder Room

Catering to a tame audience? Offer them our Spa Only shopping.

Our Unexpected Kinky Korner Shopping

For those who would rather be tied up than tickled.

Show The World You Silky Side

Offer your customers over 20,000 choices in smoldering hot lingerie.

Parties Your Way, It's Your Business.

Ladies Only, Coed, Couples, LBGT. Regular, Kinky, Spa Only. Build One, Build Them All. It’s Your Business.

Quick Contact Us

This contact form is for GENERAL INQUIRIES ONLY. If you want to Book A Party, please use our Book A Party Form. If you would like to Become A Consultant, please use our Next Step Form.

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Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If there is anything on your mind that we have covered in our pages here, we would be glad to clarify and/or explain further. Simply drop us a line, and we'll get right back to you. Use our quick form here or call 877-531-5541